31 Jan (Updated) Microsoft Forms new App “Polls” in Teams
Microsoft Forms has always focused on providing the best polling experience to our customers. However, according to customer feedback and telemetry, we have determined that many people don’t know the “Forms” App provides polling capability in Teams.
To provide a better experience we are delivering a new Teams app specifically for polling capabilities. This new app will be discoverable in Teams meetings/chats as “Polls”.
Updated January 25, 2022: Based on learnings from our early rings, we have made the decision to make additional changes before we proceed with the rollout. We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 84567
When this will happen:
We will begin rolling this out starting in Teams meetings and then moving to Teams chat in February (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by end of March (previously late February).
The original “Forms” app will be retired from Teams meetings in March (previously January), and then will be retired from Teams chat in April (previously February). Once retired from meetings/chat the “Forms” app will only be available in the Teams channel tab to provide Survey capabilities.
How this will affect your organization
Once this rollout is complete:
- The new Microsoft Forms App “Polls” will have the same functionality, same service, and there will be no need for data migration.
- For the previous polls that were created in the original App “Forms”, these polls will not be lost. Poll owners can still view them in the new App “Polls” portal in Teams OR view it in the Forms web portal page (http://forms.office.com/)
- The original App “Forms” polling capability will be retired in Teams meeting and Teams chat. Original App “Forms” survey capability in Teams channel Tab is not impacted.
What you need to do to prepare
You may want to update your users on the upcoming changes. We will continue to update this post with additional information as we proceed.
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