11 Oct October 2021 Azure Updates – Week 1
Get the latest updates on Azure products and features to meet your cloud investment needs.
Oct 4 General availability: Announcing the release of Swiss German dialect speech recognition support
Microsoft speech service just released the de-CH locale that recognizes Swiss dialects as well as standard German as part of our speech to text offering. This enables the creation of smart speech solutions tailored to Switzerland’s market needs.
Oct 4 Azure Maps Geolocation Service is now generally available
Develop customized geolocation-based content and services with Azure Maps Geolocation.
Oct 4 General availability: Azure DevOps September 2021 updates
With September updates, we added support for wild cards and conditional expressions in YAML pipeline files. In addition, we included multiple improvements to Delivery Plans.
Oct 4 Azure Stream Analytics: 2 new regions are now generally available
Azure Stream Analytics is a fully managed, real-time analytics service designed to help you analyze and process fast moving streams of data that can be used to get insights, build reports, or trigger alerts and actions. The service is now available in 2 new China regions.
Oct 4 Azure VMware Solution now available in Brazil South and East US 2 regions
Azure VMware Solution has now expanded availability to Brazil South and East US 2, this update is in addition to the existing availability across multiple Azure regions in US, Europe, Australia, Japan, UK, Canada, and Southeast Asia.
Oct 4 HCX Enterprise Edition is now generally available for Azure VMware Solution
VMware HCX is the primary migration solution for organizations moving VMware workloads natively to a cloud service like Azure VMware Solution. The HCX Enterprise Edition, now generally available with Azure VMware Solution, is a premium HCX service that includes Replication Assisted vMotion and Mobility Optimized.
Oct 4 Azure NetApp Files Datastores for Azure VMware Solution is coming soon
Azure VMware Solution NFS datastores on Azure NetApp Files is currently in private preview and is coming soon. The solution provides more choice to optimize and scale storage for Azure VMware Solution environments.
Oct 4 Public preview of Azure NetApp Files Backup capability
Azure NetApp Files backup expands the data protection capabilities of Azure NetApp Files by providing fully managed backup solution for long-term recovery, archive, and compliance.
Oct 5 General availability: Azure NetApp Files waitlist removal
Azure NetApp Files, one of the fastest growing bare-metal Azure services is now available to Azure customers directly from the Azure portal, CLI, API or with SDK – without having to go through waitlist approval process.
Oct 5 Azure Security Center: Public preview updates for September 2021
Public preview enhancements and updates released for Azure Security Center in September 2021.
Oct 5 Azure Applied AI Services | Latest public preview enhancements to Azure Form Recognizer
Azure Form Recognizer now offers a pre-built version of the service in preview for document extraction as well as the following capabilities in preview: signature detection, hotel receipts processing, and deeper extraction of content from US driver’s licenses. In addition, the service is now easier to use with Form Recognizer Studio and new REST APIs.
Oct 5 Korea Central Availability Zones now generally available
Azure Availability Zones are now generally available in the Korea Central region. These three new zones provide you with options for additional resiliency and tolerance to infrastructure impact.
Oct 5 South Africa North Availability Zones now generally available
Azure Availability Zones are now generally available in the South Africa North region. These three new zones provide customers with options for additional resiliency and tolerance to infrastructure impact.
Oct 5 Windows 11 is now generally available on Azure Virtual Desktop
Deploy Windows 11 desktops and applications on Azure Virtual Desktop and utilize new capabilities while optimizing for cost.
Oct 6 Azure Functions Python 3.9 support is now generally available
Python developers can now take advantage of the version enhancements in Python 3.9 using Azure Functions.
Oct 6 General availability: Azure Sphere version 21.10 expected on Oct. 20, 2021
Participate in the retail evaluation now to ensure full compatibility. The OS evaluation period for 21.10 provides 14 days for backward compatibility testing.
Oct 7 Reminder: Azure Service Management API for Messaging Services will be retired on 1 November 2021
Transition to Azure Resource Manager by 1 November 2021.
Oct 7 Public preview: Standard network features for Azure NetApp Files
Standard network features for Azure NetApp Files volumes is now in public preview in select regions. This includes support for increased IP limits, Network Security Groups, User-defined routes, and additional connectivity patterns like connectivity over Active/Active VPN gateway and ExpressRoute FastPath
Oct 8 General availability: Azure Monitor container insights portal experience update
Refreshed experience with accessibility updates and new reliable recommended alerts & metrics for monitoring your container resources.
Oct 8 Public preview: Dynamic concurrency in Azure Functions
Azure Functions dynamic concurrency feature simplifies configuring concurrency for your function apps.
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