30 Mar March 2021 Newsletter – Week 5
Call Merge gives end users the capability to merge their active unheld 1:1 call into another 1:1 call or another group call. This applies to Teams VOIP calls and PSTN calls.
With this update, date/time formats in Teams will match the Mac and Windows OS regional settings on desktop. Previously, Teams would only show date/time in the format corresponding to the application language.
This new feature will enable OneDrive/SharePoint share control users to more easily change permissions when sharing links.
This release of Multiple spotlights in Teams meetings will allow organizers and presenters to spotlight up to 7 participants simultaneously for everyone to see during meetings and will roll out across Microsoft Teams Desktop, and on the Web.
To prevent inappropriate messaging behavior, many institutions have had to disable private chat in Microsoft Teams. Now, we’re excited to bring this new release of Teams Supervised Chat that will block restricted users from starting new chats unless an appropriate supervisor is present. This will roll out across Microsoft Teams Desktop, Web and Mobile.
Today we are announcing that self-service purchasing capabilities are coming soon. Individuals worldwide (excluding India) will be able to acquire a subscription for these products as early as April 19, 2021:
As announced both in-product (February 4, 2021) and via documentation, we will soon retire Compliance Manager (classic) from the Microsoft Service Trust Portal…
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