29 Jan January 2022 Weekly Newsletter – Week 4
Weekly Newsletter
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This new feature will enable users to pin a specific message and provide chat members with quick access to critical content whenever it’s needed.
Live Captions in all available languages will now be available on Teams Meetings on web browsers. CART Captioning support will also be available on web browsers. Chrome/Edge/Safari on Win/Mac/Linux platforms will be supported.
Microsoft Forms has always focused on providing the best polling experience to our customers. However, according to customer feedback and telemetry, we have determined that many people don’t know the “Forms” App provides polling capability in Teams.
We are bringing a new release in “Teams Bookings” app which notifies the schedulers/users about the new features introduced in the app. A “New” pill and an “Info (icon)” tool tip have been added to help users discover our new features, SMS notifications and mobile browser join. For future new feature releases, end users will continue to see the “New” pill and “Info icon.”
Instead of automatically copying the link with default permissions, we want to give customers the ability to change their link type and permissions prior to generating a sharing link and pasting it into the app of their choice.
The number of responses allowed per Form/Quiz in Microsoft Forms is being increased from 50,000 to 5 million. After a Form passes 50,000 responses, the form can continue to collect additional responses and the Form owner can export the results as a .csv file for further analysis.
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