16 Nov Azure Updates – November 08-12 2021
Get the latest updates on Azure products and features to meet your cloud investment needs.
Nov 8 General availability: ExpressRoute now supports Azure Virtual Desktop Shortpath RDP over Private Peering
ExpressRoute enables direct connectivity between on-premises and Microsoft global network. You can connect to virtual machines and private endpoints defined in an Azure virtual network with private peering.
Nov 8 General availability: Build and deploy full-stack .NET 6.0 apps with Azure Static Web Apps
Azure Static Web Apps now supports building and deploying .NET 6 Blazor WebAssembly and Azure Functions apps.
Nov 8 .NET 6.0 in Azure Functions is now generally available
Both the in-process and isolated models are supported in .NET 6.0 Azure Functions.
Nov 8 Generally available: Azure Functions runtime 4.0
Version 4.0 of the Azure Functions runtime supports .NET 6. It also supports Node.js, Python, Java, PowerShell, and other languages using custom handlers.
Nov 8 PowerShell on Linux SKU in Azure Functions is now available in public preview
You can now develop Azure Functions PowerShell apps locally and deploy them to Azure Functions on Linux OS.
Nov 9 General availability: Azure Data Explorer cache policy hot windows
Azure Data Explorer always supported to cache the latest ingested data for best performance. It now supports selectively caching older data which is ideal when auditing a given time period.
Nov 9 Public preview: Azure Sphere expands SoC portfolio with NXP i.MX 93-CS family
The versatility of the i.MX 93-CS and the secured Azure Sphere platform will make it easier and faster to bring IoT innovation to market.
Nov 9 Public preview: Azure Bastion native client support
Azure Bastion native client support brings you the ability to connect to target VMs from the command line and log in using their Azure Active Directory credentials.
Nov 10 Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server is now generally available
Use Flexible Server for a simplified developer experience with high availability options, predictable performance, and maximum control of your databases with more cost optimization controls.
Nov 10 Azure Web PubSub service now generally available
WebSockets support enables loosely coupled, scalable, real-time messaging applications.
Nov 10 Azure App Service support for .Net 6 now generally available
Deploy and scale .Net 6-based web apps on an enterprise-grade service
Nov 10 Application Insights auto-instrumentation for .NET6 App Services
With the release of .NET 6.0, Application Insights is offering day-zero auto-instrumentation support for it on Azure App Services
Nov 10 Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Hyperscale (Citus): PostgreSQL 14 support in general availability
Create Hyperscale (Citus) server groups with PostgreSQL 14 (or PostgreSQL 11, PostgreSQL 12, and PostgreSQL 13) on Azure Database for PostgreSQL, a managed service running the open-source Postgres database.
Nov 10 Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server: Terraform support is generally available
Generate automated configuration files used with Terraform to automate provisioning and configuration on your Flexible Server for Azure Database for MySQL.
Nov 10 Azure Backup for Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Single Server: Long-term retention generally available
Azure Backup supports long term data retention and improved compliance for your Single Server on Azure Database PostgreSQL, a managed service running the open source Postgres database on Azure.
Nov 10 Azure Cosmos DB: Glowroot support for Cassandra API in general availability
Get better monitor application performance using Glowroot support for the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API.
Nov 10 Azure Cosmos DB: Names indexes for Cassandra API now in general availability
Create and drop named indexes while defining a new index or on existing data using the Cassandra API within Azure Cosmos DB.
Nov 10 Azure SQL—General availability updates for mid-November 2021
General availability enhancements and updates released for Azure SQL Managed Instance for mid-November 2021.
Nov 10 Azure Security Center: Public preview updates for October 2021
Public preview enhancements and updates released for Azure Security Center in October 2021.
Nov 10 Azure Security Center: General availability updates for October 2021
New enhancements and updates released for general availability (GA) in Azure Security Center in October 2021.
Nov 10 Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Hyperscale (Citus) support for Citus 10.2 generally available
The support of Citus 10.2 with PostgreSQL 14 is now included in Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Hyperscale (Citus), a managed service running the open-source Postgres database on Azure.
Nov 10 Azure SQL—Public preview updates for mid-November 2021
Public preview enhancements and updates released for Azure SQL Managed Instance for mid-November 2021.
Nov 10 SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines: Multi subnet high availability generally available
Configure high availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines using multiple subnets that’s easier and natively supported by SQL Server.
Nov 10 General availability: Azure Archive rehydration priority update
Reduce high-priority retrieval costs for Archive Storage by deferring the decision to rehydrate with high priority, then updating the priority while the operation is pending.
Nov 12 General availability: Citrix supports Virtual Apps and Desktop Service on Azure VMware Solution
Citrix has announced official support for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops on Azure VMware Solution. With this announcement you gain more choice and flexibility in the migration and modernization of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure to Azure.
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