18 Aug Microsoft 365 apps and services support for IE11 has ended
As previously communicated, (MC220490 – August 17th, 2020), Microsoft 365 apps and services have been focusing their efforts on modern browser support over the last year. As of today, August 17, 2021, Microsoft 365 apps and services no longer support Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) and users may have a degraded experience, or be unable to connect to, those apps and services from IE11. These apps and services will phase out over weeks and months to help ensure a smooth end of support, with each app and service phasing out on independent schedules.
Microsoft 365 applications and services
- Timing: Microsoft 365 apps and services no longer support IE11 as of today, August 17, 2021.
- Action: To access Microsoft 365 apps and services using a supported platform, open with Microsoft Edge, another supported browser, or use an applicable Win-32 app (if available).
For a full list of Microsoft apps and services that have ended (or will end) support for IE11, please review Microsoft apps and services to end support for Internet Explorer 11.
Note: While Microsoft 365 apps and services no longer support IE11, the IE11 desktop application remains a supported browser by Microsoft until June 15, 2022. On June 15, 2022, the IE11 desktop application will be retired and go out of support on certain versions of Windows 10.
Please see our retirement announcement and FAQ page for more details.
How this will affect your organization:
Important: Support is now unavailable for Microsoft 365 apps and services on IE11. Additionally, you should expect no new features and that the daily usage experience for users could get progressively worse over time until the apps and services are disconnected. Banners will be used to communicate and to alert users to upcoming changes in experiences, such as app or service disconnection and/or redirection.
Initial degraded experiences beginning today, August 17, 2021, include:
- Outlook Web App: Users logging in with AAD accounts will have the full experience but will not receive new features moving forward. Users logging in with Microsoft Accounts (MSA) will be redirected to the Outlook Web App Light experience.
SharePoint’s Open with Explorer and View in File Explorer in IE11 features:
- These features only exist in IE11 and while some customers may continue to use them, they will remain in maintenance mode and will not receive further development. We recommend transitioning to Microsoft Edge and OneDrive Sync for a better user experience and will soon bring the View in File Explorer feature in the Modern SPO Document Library to Microsoft Edge as well (more details to come). Please read this article for more information.
What you need to do to prepare:
To avoid an unsupported and degraded experience, or one where you are unable to connect to Microsoft 365 apps and services, upgrade to Microsoft Edge as soon as possible. Microsoft 365 apps and services will continue to support Microsoft Edge.
Additional Information:
- If you’d like help upgrading your organization’s devices to Microsoft Edge, FastTrack can help.
- Self-service automated tools are also available through the Microsoft 365 Admin Center.
- For help with web app and site compatibility, learn more about the App Assure program.
- Read more about these changes in the Lifecycle announcement.
- Our blog also provides more information about these announcements.
- To learn about the IE11 desktop application retirement on June 15, 2022, please read this retirement announcement blog.
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